گردهمائی مشترک دفتر مطالعات سیاسی و بین‌المللی و مؤسسه امور بین‌المللی ژاپن

Mr. Owada
Honorable Participants

          Before I begin, I would like to thank the honorable Japanese organizers of the second IPIS–JILA seminar. I do hope that these gatherings contribute to the affinity of our two great nations and expand the friendly relations that exist between the two Governments.

          Iran and Japan are two great and ancient Asian centers of human civilization. Asia, as we all appreciate, is the birthplace of the oldest ideologies and religions and the earliest prophets (such as Zoroaster, messengers of Ibrahimic religions, Confucius and Buddha).

          Our cultural and civilizational commonalties can serve as a foundation for bilateral and multilateral cooperation among Asian countries (specially Iran and Japan). They can also contribute to the preservation of Asian cultures.

          Such an approach becomes crucially important particularly at a time when the contemporary world, frustrated with the ongoing materialistic–based power system, is searching for new definitions and concepts in the international and people to people relations. On the other hand the world is witnessing the implications of globalization on all cultures and its effects on ancient civilizations. This general outlook toward the current international order has provided new grounds for greater cooperation and harmony among ancient civilizations in Asia such as Iran and Japan, requiring both countries to work out new strategies at the beginning of the third millennium.

          The first step should be focused on the need to remove conflicts and tensions among countries and cultures of the world. This has prompted the Islamic Republic of Iran to propound the idea of dialogue among civilizations as a basis for enhanced harmony, understanding, and partnership worldwide. To support the idea, the year 2001 has been designated as the year of dialogue among civilizations by the United Nations. Therefore, the idea of dialogue among civilizations, specially among the Asian ones will be instrumental in promoting consultations and exchanges between Iranian and Japanese intellectuals, elites and politicians in order to introduce a new model of coexistence, cooperation and avoidance of conflicts towards the making of a new world order.

          In Asia, Iran and Japan’s participation will help both countries to increase their role in various spheres of cooperation in the continent. Relative proximity of views between Iran and Japan concerning the Asian issues, Iran’s powerful position in west Asia and in the Persian Gulf along with its look–east policy, and Japan’s propensity to further develop relations with the West–Asian countries will strongly support the efforts aimed at strengthening ties among the East and west Asian nations.

          The second step will be to address the impact of globalization and its implications for the expansion of Iran–Japan cooperation.

          The expanding role of such factors as knowledge, technology, information and communication, and the prominent role that Japan plays in the world economy and in East Asia provide a favorable ground for Iran to become more involved in the process.

          Given the uni–model impact of globalization on cultures, the relative commonalties of Iranian and Japanese cultures may lead Iran to utilize the experiences of Japan for the moderation and reconciliation of the traditionalist and modernist thinking in its society because globalization and regionalism are proceeding concurrently side by side and the dynamism generated by the two processes reveals more than ever before the need to base our relations on active cooperation and interaction.

          The third step at the international level concerns the impact of globalization of security concepts which constitute a potential ground for cooperation between Iran and Japan in such fields as environment, terrorism, drug trafficking, underdevelopment, population explosion and above all nuclear disarmament and removal of weapons of mass destruction which threaten the world security.

          Launching efforts to reform the UN structure and increasing the share and power of Asian countries in this world organization and specially Japan’s position to influence G–8 to modify its stance towards Iran could be another area of cooperation between the two countries.

          Japan’s concerns about the Korean peninsula and the positive and constructive relations of Iran with the two Korean states can constitute another ground for mutual cooperation. Japan’s strategic and security considerations towards the Middle East and its concerns about nuclear tensions between India and Pakistan in west Asia, Afghan crisis and its catastrophic humanitarian implications, and tensions in Central Asia demonstrate the Japan’s interest in security issues of this region is merely based of economic grounds. In this context, Iran’s policy of détente (relaxation of tensions) and its strategic role among Islamic countries which have helped develop and promote an atmosphere of trust between Islamic Republic of Iran and its neighboring countries may prepare the ground to overcome many difficulties arising from the absence of security arrangements in the Persian Gulf region and contribute to the expansion of regional cooperation and investments. Japan’s positive approach towards Iran’s initiatives may pave the way for the promotion of exchanges between the two countries in tackling regional conflicts.

          Aside from inter–cultural and inter–civilizational fields, there are numerous potential and actual areas for technological cooperation between the two countries in the international arena which call for the serious and effective steps of the two sides. Iran which is endowed with immense natural resources and enjoys a geopolitical location can as a regional power (providing %90 of Japan’s energy needs) play a significant role in this regard. Japan has always been a major trading partner of Iran and Iran has been the main supplier of Japan’s energy needs.

          Japan’s effort to stay clear of the unilateral US sanctions against Iran, and its endeavor to maintain its constructive ties with Iran at an acceptable level and its effort to solve any possible differences through dialogue rather than confrontation, are other aspects of Japan’s positive relationship with Iran. But the two countries have much to do yet, and need to tap into all of the capacities that exist between them. Sectors and Items such as oil, gas, petrochemical products, mines, metal products, communications, and transport, transit of goods, environment, and collaboration on the preservation of their cultural heritage come to mind.

          As you might appreciate, Iran has many things to offer. We have a good infrastructure and an affordable and skilled work force. Also, efforts are underway to do away with bureaucratic customs controls and move towards improving the climate for foreign investment. My country is the gateway to Central Asia and the Caucuses and can provide oil and gas transport facilities for the countries of these regions. It also provides access to world markets and markets to the East of Asia. For there ideas to be realized, the following conditions are necessary.

1)                The need for and increase in Japan’s direct investments in Iran which will balance investment between Japan in East Asia and European countries in west Asia.

2)                For the optimal use of the said route, Asian countries, through collaboration with each other and on the basis of Asian–oriented tendencies should support the Iranian route which is economical and safe. These countries should also avoid using other costly routes of involving their political intentions in the process.


Distinguished Audience,

          Undoubtedly, this seminar affords us a suitable opportunity to explore various fields of cooperation between out two countries and to remove obstacles or possible challenges. I hope such gatherings of IPIS and JIIA will have constructive impacts on the promotion of relations between Iran and Japan.

          I wish success for all the participants and organizers of this seminar.



پنجشنبه 10 شهريور 1379  14:32

آخرين تاريخ بازديد : پنجشنبه 23 اسفند 1403  18:29:12
تعداد بازديد از اين خبر : 10070
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